Olivar Suites
Architectural visualization services for a hotel located at the Corfiot southeast coast, designed by AUDO Architects
Architectural design & Masterplanning | AUDO
Interior design & styling | AUDO
Αrt direction | AUDO
Lighting Design | Delta-Theta Lighting Design
Hotel website : www.olivarsuites.gr
Experience hospitality through luxury
Olivar suites is an elegant hotel located at the Corfiot southeast coast. The task was to represent the design qualities of the architects, the deep connection of architecture with the nature, as well as to showcase the experience of the hotel facilities.
Regarding the interior design, visuals had to showcase the blending of elegant interior furniture with natural earth toned materials. Wood, stone, marble and plaster were digital created from real samples. Furthermore, an accurate replication of the lighting design played a key role to the success of the project.

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